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MandateNow is a pressure group that seeks the introduction of law requiring and supporting staff who work in ‘Regulated Activities’ to report suspected and known child sexual abuse to the Local Authority or the police in appropriate circumstances. Mandatory reporting as the law is termed, is a vital component of functioning safeguarding.

Mandate Now spokesperson : Tom Perry.

On 28th October 2014 the government through Lord Bates ceded the consultation on mandatory reporting during the Serious Crimes Bill debate .   

The ‘delay clock’ finally stopped on 21st July 16  when the Government commenced the consultation. The announcement was buried in multiple statements released to the House on the day the Parliamentary recess commenced. It also coincides with the start of the holiday season when Education, the largest Regulated Activity, is away for six weeks.

631 days


212, 2015

More than 200,000 people call for mandatory reporting of child abuse.

December 2nd, 2015|

A petition with more than 200,000 signatures from pressure group Mandate Now that seeks the introduction of law requiring staff working with children to report known and suspected abuse is delivered to No.10 tomorrow 2/12/15. Cheryl Gillan MP will later present it on the floor of the House of Commons

The petition calls for the introduction of a mandatory reporting law that supports staff who work in ‘regulated activities’ which include schools, care homes, religious organisations, sports organisations and healthcare trusts; to report suspected or known abuse of a child to the Local Authority for independent assessment. (more…)

1402, 2015

Still no reliance can be placed on Stoke Mandeville Child Protection Procedures despite #Savile + Salmon #CSAinquiry

February 14th, 2015|

Immediate Release

When the Lampard ‘Lessons Learned’ report and the report into the Savile’s abuse at Stoke Mandeville are released shortly – the Minister will likely claim ‘everything is different now.’ It’s not and here’s why.


602, 2014

Press Release

February 6th, 2014|

“Schools are no safer now than they were 50 years ago”, say Caldicott abuse survivors.
