The Labour Government’s Useless Child Sexual Abuse Reporting Law | 23/03/2025 |
The Government’s useless Child Sexual Abuse Reporting law | 13/05/2024 |
Home Office "MR" consultation #2. It's not MR! | 23/11/2023 |
IICSA’s final report first anniversary - government is looking on and doing little | 18/10/2023 |
Private Eye news 8.9.23 – Letby and observations about mandatory reporting | 08/09/2023 |
Scotsman article 31.7.23 - Mandatory reporting laws of child sexual abuse on the table | 31/07/2023 |
Our submission to the Home Office consultation: Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse | 17/07/2023 |
“The mountain hath laboured and brought forth a mouse.” The Government Response to IICSA 22.5.23 | 22/05/2023 |
Ideology stops government introducing well-designed Mandatory Reporting | 27/03/2023 |
The impact of poorly designed mandatory reporting is far-reaching | 27/03/2023 |
IICSA’s final report recommendations fail to address its own reasoning | 06/02/2023 |
IICSA’s Final Report is in error on several matters of law | 06/02/2023 |
IICSA final report 20.10.22 – a flurry of pulled punches | 16/11/2022 |
Mandate Now’s model for mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse used in Private Members Bill | 21/07/2022 |
Update to our legislative proposal for Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual abuse by Regulated Activities [16.07.2022] | 16/07/2022 |
Mandate Now has updated its legislative proposal to: mandatory reporting of known and suspected child sexual abuse | 14/05/2022 |
Mandate Now has updated its legislative proposal to: mandatory reporting of known and suspected child sexual abuse only | 06/04/2022 |
‘Detriment’ can be experienced by staff who report child abuse. Our updated legislative proposal addresses it | 28/02/2022 |
HoC Briefing Paper | ‘Child Protection: duties to report concerns’ | Our critical review of a flawed document | 26/10/2021 |
Home Office: Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy 2021 | No strategy, few proposals and little money | 05/10/2021 |
Review of : “The Scale and nature of child abuse” by The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse | Its value is limited | 21/07/2021 |
Is safeguarding in sport fit for purpose? Our written submission to the House of Lords Sport and Recreation Committee | 13/06/2021 |
Boarding Schools’ Association says it wants Mandatory Reporting. (as long as it doesn’t work) | 08/05/2021 |
Scotland : Child abuse victims are still going undetected || Yet Scottish academics still mistakenly reject mandatory reporting | 11/11/2020 |
The Whyte Review – some considerations | 15/10/2020 |
Mandate Now observations on Law in Sport article about mandatory reporting for sport | 03/08/2020 |
Here are the 779 submissions made to the 2016 ‘Reporting and Acting on Child Abuse and Neglect’ consultation. Councils, Royal College’s healthcare, education, faith, NGO’s and similar | 31/01/2020 |
‘The Church has some form of Mandatory Reporting’ (Peter Hancock – Lead Bishop for Safeguarding) | “Oh no it hasn’t!” | 16/01/2020 |
It’s inconceivable IICSA will not recommend well-designed Mandatory Reporting. But must we wait until 2021? | 28/12/2019 |
Remaining silent about child abuse can’t be an option – Times Scotland 21.9.19 | 22/08/2019 |
Top 10 Myths About Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church (Psychology Today) 1/8/19 and a reply from Tim Lennon the President of SNAP
| 04/08/2019 |
IICSA Anglican Hearing 3/7/19 – Observation about the work being undertaken by the Social Care Institute of Excellence for the Church of England | 10/07/2019 |
The Disclosure and Barring Service isn’t working reliably. How are unmade ‘mandatory’ referrals to the DBS discovered? | 10/06/2019 |
Cardinal Vincent Nichols r4Sunday 21/4/19. Child abuse – a straight answer to a straight question is outside the Cardinal’s repertoire | 25/04/2019 |
The cut n’ paste safeguarding policy at Crewe Alexandra Football Club needs to be scrapped. Here’s why | 21/03/2019 |
The Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel @churchofengland attempting to sell a counterfeit suggestion that mandatory reporting exists within the Church. | 19/03/2019 |
How much does Barnardo’s really care for vulnerable children? | Why did it sign an Independent Advocacy Contract with the Youth Justice Board at Medway in which it agreed to not refer child protection concerns to Local Authority? | 22/02/2019 |
Lawn Tennis Association Safeguarding remains dysfunctional | 27/01/2019 |
Update – IICSA / CA Royal Comm data comparison | 24/12/2018 |
Letter to IICSA from multiple signatories following the presentation by the Department for Education to the MR Seminar (1) 27.9.18 | 22/10/2018 |
Mandate Now Submission to Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse – #MRseminar (1) 27/9/18 | 27/09/2018 |
Mandate Now Review of : Summary of consultation responses and Government action following #MRconsult | 25/09/2018 |
Oral question 1. HoL 10/9/18 : Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse regarding safeguarding failures at Downside and Ampleforth schools | 11/09/2018 |
Mothers of Prevention | Organised Child Sexual Exploitation – Sunday Times Magazine 30/9/07 by Julie Bindel | 21/08/2018 |
Mysterious Omissions from the IICSA Report into Ampleforth and Downside | 10/08/2018 |
Where is the MR seminar IICSA? A letter sent 19/4/18 from lawyers acting for Core Participant abusees to Professor Jay | 19/04/2018 |
Mandatory Reporting Consultation : Government decides on costly retention of the failing status quo | 06/03/2018 |
Church of England Safeguarding is Dysfunctional and Can Have No Reliance Placed Upon It | A Review by Mandate Now | 02/03/2018 |
IICSA Chair responds to stinging Times article with a flurry of meaningless statistics | 03/11/2017 |
Australian Royal Commission data comparison with Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse | 03/11/2017 |
Where is the outcome of the Consultation – Reporting and Acting on Child Abuse and Neglect | 15/09/2017 |
IICSA Seminar 12.04.17 was Misinformed About Mandatory Reporting by UCLAN Assessment | 15/05/2017 |
Bishop of Bath + Wells Faces a Morton’s Fork over MR. CofE Imagineers Attempt to Conceal ‘U’ Turn | 02/05/2017 |
#MR Bill Underway for USA Athletes following Senate Hearing and Grey-Thompson Now Wants It | 21/04/2017 |
Mandatory reporting laws for child sexual abuse are essential for kids and society: Professor Ben Mathews | 24/03/2017 |
Child Protection in Football – An article in The Independent reliant on hearsay and hope | 06/03/2017 |
West Berks SCB – The Unconvincing Serious Case Review into Child Sexual Abuse at Kennet School | 01/02/2017 |
Alternative Perspective on NSPCC – closing ‘Loopholes in Sport’ VictoriaLIVE 26.1.17 | 26/01/2017 |
Key Speeches from HoL Debate 15.12.16 : Allegations of child sexual abuse within football clubs | 19/12/2016 |
Confused Football Association safeguarding policy fails children | 15/12/2016 |
Labour Party Submission to MRconsult. Good Objectives but Muddled Thinking | 05/12/2016 |
Signs the Government is increasingly panicked over calls for the introduction of Mandatory Reporting – #FAabuse | 04/12/2016 |
Abuse in Football – that sofa on VictoriaLIVE and the positive impact It could have on safeguarding | 27/11/2016 |
Govt Secures NSPCC Support for Child Protection Proposal Designed to Fail | 14/11/2016 |
Mandate Now Submission to Consultation: Reporting and Acting on Child Abuse and Neglect | 06/10/2016 |
MN Response to Option 3 of MR Consult: Duty to Act in relation to child abuse and neglect | 02/10/2016 |
Review of Option 2 of MR Consult: Introduce a Mandatory Reporting Duty in Relation to Child Abuse | 26/09/2016 |
Consultation on mandatory reporting of child abuse ‘has been buried’ | Observer 4.09.16 | 09/09/2016 |
Are These the Official Spokespeople for IICSA? | 07/09/2016 |
Mandatory reporting laws for child sexual abuse are essential for kids and society: Professor Ben Mathews | 03/09/2016 |
Article in Community Care Magazine about Mandatory Reporting and the Whereabouts of the Consultation | 16/07/2016 |
Spectator article Against Mandatory Reporting: A Blizzard of Ill-informed Comment | 23/06/2016 |
Mandatory Reporting of Known and Suspected Abuse: Guardian and Observer Articles June 2016 | 08/06/2016 |
A Review of: MR law on reporting and identification of CSA: A seven year time trend analysis | 08/06/2016 |
New Research: Impact of Mandatory Reporting Law : A Seven year Longitudinal Analysis | 03/05/2016 |
A Lengthening List of Independent Schools Confused over Child Protection | 16/03/2016 |
Mandate Now: Putting the spotlight on UK child abuse | 01/02/2016 |
BBC Child Protection Policy. Perfectly Legal but Useless | 21/01/2016 |
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Malcolm Underhill Speaks to Tom Perry of Mandate Now | 19/01/2016 |
Letters in Support of Bishop Peter Ball Make Extraordinary Reading. Here in Full | 01/01/2016 |
More than 200,000 people call for mandatory reporting of child abuse. | 02/12/2015 |
No Reliance can be Placed on a Report Used by Academics and others to Dismiss Mandatory Reporting – here’s why | 23/11/2015 |
The hope offered in the Home Secs Statement to HoC on 4/2/15 has been replaced by a bunker mindset at IICSA | 30/10/2015 |
Stanbridge Earls School: the saga continues. Ofsted got it repeatedly wrong, now the Charity Commission. Who next? | 27/10/2015 |
Hear no evil, see no evil: observations on a paper presented by Prof Munro and Dr Fish to CA Royal Commission | 26/10/2015 |
The Impending Mandatory Reporting Consultation; the dynamics RA abuse and NSPCC understanding of it | 24/10/2015 |
The civil service dominated #IICSA : still not communicating despite representations | 01/10/2015 |
Mandate Now and NSPCC met on 29/6/15 to explore our Contrasting Positions on Mandatory Reporting | 20/07/2015 |
Mandatory Reporting Laws and the Identification of Severe Child Abuse and Neglect | 02/06/2015 |
Surrey Police Operation Outreach Report – Activities of Savile at Duncroft School | At least 22 Pupils Abused | 29/04/2015 |
Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel (VSCP) – what is it for? | 13/04/2015 |
Regulated Activities are petri dishes for abuse – Mandate Now on preventing child abuse scandals | 09/03/2015 |
Prime Ministers reaction to Oxford #CSE report – law for Wilful Neglect. It’s inadequate as #MN explains on #bbcpm | 03/03/2015 |
Successive Govts Flee Mandatory Reporting on the Mistaken Grounds of Cost | 02/03/2015 |
Child abuse needs mandatory reporting to create a high-risk environment for paedophiles: Independent March 2015 | 01/03/2015 |
Recent Coverage Media Contributions around The Disappointing DoH Lampard Review Published on 26/2/15 | 27/02/2015 |
HoC debate on NC 17 Opposition Amendment to introduce alleged #MandatoryReporting | 23/02/2015 |
The Labour #MR amendment to the Serious Crimes Bill is debated tomorrow. @SkyNews interview | 22/02/2015 |
The Labour opposition amendment to the Serious Crimes Bill designed to allegedly introduce #MandatoryReporting – Doesn’t. | 21/02/2015 |
Letter from Mandate Now to the @UKHomeOffice 7/2/15 regarding the ToRs and Scope of the #CSAinquiry | 18/02/2015 |
Still no reliance can be placed on Stoke Mandeville Child Protection Procedures despite #Savile + Salmon #CSAinquiry | 14/02/2015 |
NSPCC Whistling Home Office Tune to Child Protection Inertia | 13/02/2015 |
NSPCC – ‘The Dog Ate My Transcript’: the very odd occurrences following a debate on #MandatoryReporting | 27/01/2015 |
Iain Dale @LBC to Harriet Harman: would you back a statutory inquiry? Erm ….. She then adopts the flawed Home Office position | 09/12/2014 |
Cheryl Gillan MP (C) – Today raised key questions about #CSAinquiry in Topical Questions to the Leader of the House | 04/12/2014 |
CSAInquiry : INDEPENDENT PANEL INQUIRY INTO CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE | Panel Statement | November 26 2014 | 28/11/2014 |
Two research papers on #MRCA by Dr Ben Mathews of QUT with one stemming from @CARoyalComm Australia | #CSAinquiry | 22/11/2014 |
MandateNow speaks with James O’Brien of @LBC Mandatory Reporting, child protection, and the state of the #CSAinquiry | 06/11/2014 |
House of Lords 28.10.14 | Serious Crimes Bill Amendment 43 [ Mandatory Reporting ] – Report 2nd Day | 29/10/2014 |
House of Lords 28.10.14 | Serious Crimes Bill Amendment 43 [ Mandatory Reporting ] – Report 2nd Day | 26/10/2014 |
This is probably the most difficult speech I have ever made | Tackling Child Abuse | Best speech LD Conference 2015 | 05/10/2014 |
Baroness Walmsley’s Policy debate for introduction of Mandatory Reporting is approved at Lib Dem Conference | 05/10/2014 |
MandateNow response to an @Barnardos statement on Mandatory Reporting of 18th September 2014 | 23/09/2014 |
Addenbrooke’s Hospital – Dr Myles Bradbury | 16/09/2014 |
MandateNow response to @NSPCC July policy briefing: Strengthening duties on professionals to report child abuse | 13/09/2014 |
Yvette Cooper calls for change to law after abuse scandal | 30/08/2014 |
Sir Keir Starmer former DPP – “the case for mandatory reporting of #CSA is now overwhelming” | 28/08/2014 |
A Confused NSPCC statement on BBC r4 Today Programme 9/7/14 about Mandatory Reporting | 27/08/2014 |
SERIOUS CRIMES BILL 3rd Day | 15/07/2014 |
Whatever happened to the @NSPCC? It wanted to talk, then on receiving the draft agenda fell silent. | 12/07/2014 |
Baroness Walmsley in her debate on : Children and Vulnerable Adult Abuse | 08/07/2014 |
Department of Health Report (Savile) Kate Lampard | 27/06/2014 |
Department of Health release the report by Lampard – BBC interview (Savile abuses) | 26/06/2014 |
Queens Speech debate House of Lords 3rd Day - Mandatory Reporting | 09/06/2014 |
Debate on the Address – [1st day] | Cheryl Gillan MP – Mandatory Reporting | 04/06/2014 |
Tom Watson MP questions Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove about Mandatory Reporting | 24/03/2014 |
Michael Gove : ‘Victim of abuse made a ‘compelling’ case for mandatory reporting’ | 24/03/2014 |
Cheryl Gillan MP secures a meeting with for MandateNow with Michael Gove | 10/02/2014 |
Ian Lee of BBC Three Counties Radio discusses the Wright trial (Caldicott School) with Tom Perry | 07/02/2014 |
Caldicott School - Trials and Outcomes | 06/02/2014 |
The Mandate Now Response to: NSPCC policy position against Mandatory Reporting | 13/01/2014 |
NSPCC Statement about Mandatory Reporting on the r4Today programme | 13/01/2014 |
CEOP Thematic Assessment The Foundations of Abuse: A thematic assessment of the risk of CSA by adults in institutions | 16/10/2013 |
Home Affairs Committee: CSE and the response to localised grooming | 10/06/2013 |
HMIC’s review into allegations and intelligence material concerning Jimmy Savile 1964 and 2012 | 11/03/2013 |